Monday, August 31, 2009

OK, so now that I remember my log-in information...

I had totally forgotten my log-in for the longest time. Now that I have that figured out, maybe I'll try and do something with this silly blog... I might not re-write the story, I may write a collection of short stories which is really my writing style. I've never gotten really far with a real story, like, a long one. I could never write a novel. I love snippets. Life is just snippets. You witness snippets of people's lives all the time, as you go about your day. You never get to witness someones total life, even that of family or a loved one... just more and more snippets. So I love to write short stories, because they are like life. It's like you're sitting in a coffee shop people watching and you see someone for like, 4 minutes while they order their drink and wait to receive it. Maybe they got a snack too, maybe they tipped the people... that's a short story right there. So I do have a collection of previously written short stories, and I may want to start some more. It's a good outlet. I'm not good a poetry, which is the other similar outlet, of short snippets of emotions or circumstances. So short stories it is. But not right now because I have to work on my photography. Lots of sessions to get done! And I start school tomorrow! And I have a messy house! So no time for writing this minute.... but soon I think. Soon.

Monday, July 31, 2006

This is a story blog....

Hey Guys, this is basically so I can re-write a story I came up with in University. So each blog will be a 'chapter' of this story..... which is actually a collection of parts of stories....
It may not make sense to anyone but me, but oh well. :)